#21 Intergenerational friends
I met Gloria in September, 2008. I was camping out at an Arizona hotel for
work and she was the hotel bartender. A sassy fiftysomething with frizzy
8 hours ago
This is awesome. In a depressing, these people made a lot of money sort of way. :)
So Tarantino made the conscious decision to include all of these "homages" in Kill Bill, and that's fine with me. The craziest thing, as far as I'm concerned, is that he's actually seen all of these movies. That's just ridiculous. I'm a definite movie buff and even worked in a video store but I've only seen like a handful of these movies...maybe even a little less than a handful.
That was freakin' awesome. I need to watch KBs again.
*plucks eye*
Wild Celtic: Yeah! But yeah...
Amber: To be fair, some of these are motherfucking obscure, grindhouse stuff that only ever played in drive-ins. One of those really specific fanbases, like the Star Trek novels or Dr. Pepper commercials.
Franz: Agh! Don't do that, bro! How will you watch it now!
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