Thoughts on The Wayward Cloud

Sunday, October 3, 2010 9:43 AM By Simon

-A surreal musical quasi-sequel to What Time is it There?, from the director of Goodbye, Dragon Inn, the main characters from the former reunite, the man having gone from selling watches to porn, the girl continuing her way, he tries to keep her from finding out his profession, in the backdrop of a city water shortage, the government encouraging citizens to drink watermelon juice instead.

-While not as extremely silent as GDI, there are long bits of inactivity, or mundane stretches--he helps her get her keys from the dried cement they're caught in, he sleeps, she watches, he hangs out under her table, she watches, etc--and some entertaining musical numbers loosely related to the story, an alarm clock, if you will.

-Also, watermelon-fueled sex scenes. A bit of a disturbing final scene. Right.


Anonymous said...

A film I did not love, but it weirded me out sufficiently that I still recall scenes. The one where he turns into some sort of fish stays with me.

October 3, 2010 at 11:18 AM