Thoughts on Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

Thursday, June 24, 2010 5:27 AM By Simon know how I was moaning on about my computer woes before? Do you also know that scene near the end of this where the parents watch the snuff films of their dead kids? Yes, I do not feel so bad anymore.

-Well, see, this movie is beautiful. Beautifully shot, certainly the most stylistic of at least Park's Vengeance Trilogy. And, depending on who you ask, it is either the best of worst of his films.

-I don't know, emotionally, it is tied with Mr. Vengeance as the most devastating--this trilogy is always involving dead children and/or vengeful parents, isn't it?--yet, it really nails it in, y'know? I mean, the previous two are similarly afflicted, but Lady Vengeance tops them on shear scale.


-I wonder, why did Jenny and her Australian parents come back to Seoul? Was Baek Geaum-ja's (I do hope I'm spelling that right) baby daddy or what? Was she lying when she said he was going to buy a yacht? Was allgrownupvision Won-Mo angry at her for the rather brutal punishment she and the families enacted on Baek, thereby traumatizing the families? Or did he think she, too, should've been on that chair (hence ball gag)? Was the kid--the one LV (I'm not spelling her name again) slept with--simply an audience surrogate? Why did Won-mo appear to Jenny? That quick scene, where she is young and putting on lipstick, a man comes in naked, what's with that? The smoke in her apartment near the end? I feel this would all make sense if I learned some goddamn Korean.

-Also, where can I get this fabled 'Fade to Black and White' version?

-Also a staple (I think) of Park's films: Really gross sex scenes.

-Nearly a word-for-word reprieve of the 'good kidnapping/bad kidnapping' speech of Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. Just saying.

-Theory: Every single one of the Vengeance films are covert statements on the struggles between Christianity and Buddhism in South Korea--revenge vs. karma, if you will. I don't know much about South Korea's social situation--like, I just read that adultery is still illegal there, though people rarely ever go to jail--so never mind me.


Matt-suzaka said...

Love the Vengeance trilogy and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is my second favorite movie. I, over the years, have learned to like it better than Oldboy even. I think Lady Vengeance is the weakest of the set, but it is still an amazing film and certainly Park has really evolved as a visual filmaker with that trilogy specifically.

As for the fade to white version, it is on the most recently released Vengeance Trilogy box set that came out a few months back. It's the eight disc set and you can get it for a good price. I haven't watched that version yet myself, but I am very eager to.

June 24, 2010 at 8:44 AM
Colin Biggs said...

I have to make an effort to watch Japanese film, but most of their films don't appeal to me.

June 24, 2010 at 10:45 AM
Simon said...

Fitz: Well then, its a good thing this is Korean.

June 24, 2010 at 10:58 AM
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June 6, 2013 at 2:56 PM